Conversation Between MIKE323 and Nexus67
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Nexus67
    03-25-2010 02:27 PM
    Hmm, I wish my beginnings w/ the gold were as bold SE was the only decent 5sp I could find lol...but I wouldn't change it for anything now.
  2. MIKE323
    03-25-2010 02:25 PM
    Hell ya the only reason why i started fixing it up cause not alot ppl fix up this color
  3. Nexus67
    03-25-2010 02:21 PM
    It's true, it's bold but ain't easy being gold and greasy lol.
  4. MIKE323
    03-24-2010 12:37 PM
    The gold maximas got to stick toghter lol

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