Conversation Between maddman23 and phoboi2006
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. phoboi2006
    05-13-2010 06:12 PM
    hey what sup madman long time no talk...unfortunately i dont know anyone..and mine are just halos with regular light not projector headlights..but my advice is that why dont you buy the 01 - 02 projector halos..i saw them and they are nices..
  2. maddman23
    05-05-2010 09:24 AM
    What's up phoboi2006!! I have a question, are you or anyone you know is interested to get a 00-01 headlights and fog lights for an exchange of 02-03 halo or projector lights (we can negotiate with some Difference $) let me know... I tried to post a tread, but they're telling me i can't!! Let me know..

  3. phoboi2006
    02-04-2010 05:13 PM
    hey what sup..the paint i used for my rim is juz regular duplicolor spray paint can for rims usually at first i spray with prime first then gunmetal and clear coat..simple steps..the hard step is the sanding part..very long task..i manage to do all four rims within 48 hours..dry and was a pretty warm day yeah..anything juz hit me up

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