Conversation Between pavelsmax and ChrisMan287
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. ChrisMan287
    11-27-2009 08:18 AM
    At least get the Red/Clears. They're not those ugly 1s off eBay.
  2. ChrisMan287
    11-27-2009 06:42 AM
    Your's does too. You should get a spoiler and buy my Red/Clear tails when I sell them.
  3. ChrisMan287
    11-27-2009 06:19 AM
    I've got 227K almost 228K.
  4. ChrisMan287
    11-25-2009 01:15 PM
    It's too bad you don't live closer to NY. Our cars are almost identical.

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