Conversation Between NJ3ndri and Quickywd01
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. NJ3ndri
    06-24-2010 06:14 AM
    true im gonna be around for a while so whenever ur good. let me know
  2. Quickywd01
    06-23-2010 08:55 PM
    We gotta meet up so I can check it out.
  3. NJ3ndri
    06-23-2010 08:56 AM
    i been slackin a little i got all the parts but just havent started anything yet. i polished the valve cover, took out the swirl valve and put some fittings on the manifold n thats abt it. just gotta install now lol
  4. Quickywd01
    06-22-2010 12:34 PM
    How's the VI?
  5. Quickywd01
    04-07-2010 02:27 PM
    Yea, I know who that is.
  6. Quickywd01
    03-28-2010 10:48 PM
    Yea. I want to check it out. Looks like it's going to be fun.
  7. Quickywd01
    03-28-2010 07:11 PM
    By brooklawn middle school, third street down. My friend saw your car by park rd. He drove by so he could show me lol.
  8. Quickywd01
    03-20-2010 06:57 AM
    A 99 se it's tan/gold, bout to be supercharged
  9. NJ3ndri
    03-19-2010 10:56 PM
    yea? lol what you got? i havent been there in a while cuz i got my license suspended in NJ and go to school in PA
  10. Quickywd01
    08-27-2009 05:31 AM
    Hi. I think I've seen you on rt. 46. I live in parsippany too.

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