Conversation Between asand1 and S1cTech
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. S1cTech
    07-18-2014 06:26 PM
    after reading your profile I can tell that you are a faggot.
  2. asand1
    05-02-2014 03:40 PM
    After reading your profile I can see your just a hot headed kid and a rent a cop, I don't see how you could possibly have 15 years experience in anything.
  3. asand1
    05-02-2014 03:37 PM
    "as for "telling" the ECU to "take" longer to start, that is so ridiculous,"

    This is not what anyone including myself said.

    What is supposed to happen with a good ECTS.
    1 The ECTS tells the ECU that the engine is cold.
    2 The ECU gives the engine extra fuel (choke) for a quicker start.

    What often happens with a bad ECTS.
    Engine is at say 75*.
    ECTS and ECU thinks engine as at say 40*.
    ECU then floods engine and no start or poor running results.

    As I have already stated, I'm through trying to talk to you. You have a preconcieved notion that you are right and are unwilling to listen to anyone, and you are threatened that someone may know better than you.

    You call me a kid, so I imagine you to be in your 50s (I'm almost 37) so I imagine your 15 years in a dearlership was on carbureted cars and you have no usefull training in working on modern vehicles.

    Again I ask, If you already know everything why are you asking questions on the .ORG?

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